Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kawa Ijen

We went to an surreal volcano crater lake called Kawa Ijen on Monday. The excursion is worth several posts, but we don't have much time right now. Here are some pictures to tide you over.

Also, you may have heard that a volcano erupted in Central Java yesterday. We're 300 kilometers away and completely safe. A carload of ProFauna employees and local supporters headed down there this morning to rescue the animals which are fleeing the mountain and ending up in towns and villages.


  1. I am so glad you're safe. I just read about the volcano and tsunami that hit Indonesia... It's doubly tragic. I'm glad you guys are able to help. Thank you!

  2. easily my favorite pics thus far (save the transformer boats). what an awesome experience! also, glad you're safe, but what a great blog entry it would have been if you had to run from a volcano eruption or tsunami!

  3. Awesome pics guys!! Can't wait to see you!!!!!!
