I know that you're all disgusted and tired of our bathroom talk by now. Deal.
The two German volunteers that were here when we arrived have decided that "bowel movements" is a good topic of conversation. Have you gone? How was it? That type of thing. Janet, as you know, is not a fan of these types of conversations. In fact, she refuses to divulge any information at all to the Germans. No, she says, she hasn't gone, and she feels fine. Quite humorously, one of the Germans is completely convinced that Janet hasn't gone to the bathroom in over two weeks. He is genuinely concerned and suggests every few days that she should seek medical attention.
The bathroom talk has gotten to the point where we discuss it in Indonesian. "Acu mau beol" means "I want to poop." One of the German's Indonesian 'potty language' has even gotten to the point where, while explaining to 13 year old Indonesian students how ecosystems work, he said "Sapi mau beol" - "The cow needs to poop." For this he got plenty of approving laughter.
Gosh I love Janet