Monday, October 4, 2010

sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit

have you ever sat on a three hour flight next to a man (just to clarify - not ari) who clearly had gastrointestinal problems?

you debate if you should breathe in from your nose (and smell it) or breathe in from your mouth (and possibly taste it)

can you politely ask him to stop before he orders another cup of coffee or before he eats that egg and ham sandwich?

there's no where to go. all the recycled air.

we're on the move again, heading to Petungsewu, Indonesia to volunteer for a month. The comforts of HK are already far behind us after having slept overnight at the Singapore airport. Cleanliness A+, Comfort - no credit.

We've had a few reality checks while organizing our next leg, particularly the incompatibility of US and Indonesian banks, the huge language barrier that awaits us (Ari said on Saturday "OK we have two days to learn Indonesian") and our inability to book airplane tickets online, have made us realize life in Indonesia may be a little different.

But Ari has been hard at work learning Indonesian (for the last month) and as the saying goes "sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit" (directly translated as "little by little over time you can create a mountain" or take it one step at a time)


  1. awwwwws takecare over there!x

  2. Hello Intrepid Wanderers,

    Since we haven't heard from you in awhile, I surmise that you are in an internet-free (or internet-inaccessible) situation. If not, where the heck are you guys?

    Are you saving animals? Are you speaking Indonesian?

    Remember, "sedikit-sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit," and then tell us all about it!

    Love, Mom

  3. Lol.. not speaking Indonesian yet. Learning a language in two weeks is impossible.
